Children's Book, Flashcards and Scavenger Hunt Puzzle
"Rewarding effort, embracing healthy outdoor activities and challenging individuals to get into motion is what the books, flashcards and scavenger hunt puzzle are all about through interactive reading, music and memory games." -Nicole Weller
Scroll down to see information on each of the 4 items!

Let's Play Golf 2nd edition book / Ebook ©2011 / @2021
Let's Play Golf focuses on the fundamentals of golf such as putting, chipping, sand play and long game, as well as rules and manners, safety, terms, math skills, the game's history, equipment, attire and much, much more. After completing each exercise, youngsters can earn points towards goals created together with families and coaches!
Author Nicole Weller brings more than 15 years of sports psychology to her audience through instruction, passion, and unique presentation ability. The book has received rave reviews by coaches, instructors, parents and youngsters alike! Click here for reviews about Nicole.
CLICK on a sample page below to get a SNEAK PEEK of the book!!

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